
Are you able to carry out all your own projects?

Success through flexibility

Focus on your core competencies

XTENDED ENGINEERING has the best specialists from a variety of fields for you and your projects. Experienced, innovative, results-driven.

We can either come to you or work from our engineering offices, send a lone fighter or an entire team. Either way, you will have highly qualified specialists and managers who will carry out all the necessary work for you quickly and enthusiastically, cost-effectively and competently.

XTENDED ENGINEERING: Through further development to your goal.

Act promptly to strengthen your company with the best minds

You benefit in obtaining selected, cross-industry expertise at the right place and the right time. Perfectly tailored to your projects. Strengths in the most important sectors: mechanical or electrical engineering, IT programming / embedded systems or business management – efficient, motivated and reliable. The best specialists from all high-tech sectors who can handle routine tasks just as reliably as large complex projects.

It goes without saying that XTENDED ENGINEERING has an integrated quality management system with regular audits and ongoing process optimisation, fully meeting the requirements specified in DIN ISO 9001.

Dynamic, flexible and competent

With XTENDED ENGINEERING you will be able to take advantage of market opportunities quickly and effectively. With selected specialists who precisely match the areas of expertise for which they were chosen.

Highly motivated executives that will give your project the momentum it requires. Valuable external experience and expertise that will help you to meet the most demanding goals efficiently and according to schedule.

XTENDED ENGINEERING: Professional experience and reliability.

“To keep pace with international markets, we need a high degree of flexibility. A reaction speed that we would never be able to match with our own resources. Working with XTENDED gives us the chance to shoulder the most demanding projects without major risks, both quickly and successfully.”